Here are some fun Charlotte facts
She started officially walking at 11.5 months!! She is definitely on the go now!
She loves to eat everything in sight especially waffles, mac and cheese and chicken nuggets!
She has three teeth and a few more coming in.
She has become such a good sleeper!
She is talking/babbling alot more.. she said car the other day or at least that is what it sounded like!
She is pointing at everything in sight!
She is very curious! She is always exploring.
She loves to look through books!
She had a wonderful Birthday Party! It was lady bug themed! A ton of our friends and family helped us celebrate the joyous occasion! She got so many wonderful gifts! Her favorite is the chair Mason and I gave her.. she loves to sit in it and hang out!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Snuggle Bug! Mama loves you more then anything!