Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yummy Yummy in the Tummy Tummy

I started Charlotte on solid foods right after her fourth month doctor visit. So far it is an adventure. She did not want anything to do with the rice cereal at first but then I add applesauce to the mix and that changed her mind. I definitely thought she would take to the solid foods like a fish does water but she is surprising me a little. After the third/fourth try, she finally started to like it (I also figured out that mixing fruit into the cereal helped). I also have to sing a silly song for her to really like it!! "Yummy Yummy Yummy in the Tummy Tummy Tummy"! Here are some pics of her enjoying her food.

1 comment:

csoontornvat said...

Whoa! So cute! She is getting really big. I really wish you would sing me this song sometime.